How to use Roll Call

Fast, focused fun practice for the whole class

Andrew from Rollama

Last Update 5 months ago

Roll Call is a whole class tool for warming up, recapping or engaging students in grammar, punctuation and spelling objectives.

Display the screen to your class, and invite all students to think about the answer before revealing two names and awarding coins to the student/s who answer correctly.

  1. Choose an objective
  2. 'Roll' for a new prompt
  3. Give thinking time
  4. Ask for whole class to show fingers, or click 'Names'
  5. 'Check' to show the answer
  6. Click a student's name to award coins (connected to their llama avatar)
  7. Click Leaderboard to show current scores

Historical note: Rollama began as a way to engage my mostly English as an Additional Language students in stubborn (and relatively dry!) grammar points like was/were. Roll Call is what it grew into, while Rollama branched out into games and RPG mechanics. See more.

More about Roll Call KS2 SPAG starters is explained in this article.

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