📚 My students are choosing games that are too easy

How to set the right level of difficulty

Andrew from Rollama

Last Update 3 months ago

Rollama is fully unlocked from Day 1 to allow players to target their priorities straight away without grinding through inappropriate tasks.

Students can choose any game and any difficulty.

However, some teachers want to guide students away from activities which are too easy for their level of English proficiency.

Here are some ways to focus your students on activities that are most beneficial to them.

1) Hide unsuitable Quests

Go to Teacher Tasks (an optional Add-On feature), and you'll see that each Quest has a toggle button which will hide that Quest for your class. You can also drag & drop to reorder the Quest priority for your class.

2) Set assignments at a certain difficulty level


Teacher Tasks can be directed by medal, which requires students to complete the activity at that difficulty.

Bronze = Level 1

Silver = Level 2

Gold = Level 3

Note - You can click the 'i' info button to see the question sets for each level of difficulty.

3) Hide all other games when a student has unfinished Teacher Tasks

Tick the box on your class management page to hide all games until each student has finished the assignments you have given.

4) Choose a Game of the Day for double rewards 

You can search and select a different Game of the Day to emphasise certain objectives to your students.

If you have further ideas about how we can focus students on the right tasks and difficulty levels, please add your idea to our suggestions board:

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